Advice and support for managing a disciplinary process

All businesses face times when they have to take a more formal route when dealing with unacceptable behaviour or under-performance within their team. We appreciate that for some businesses this might be a new experience or for others they might need a refresher on how to manage the process. Either way, we can assist with the entire process from start to finish providing up to date legal advice, documentation and support at every stage.

We work with you to help follow the ACAS recommended guidelines on how to manage a disciplinary process and look to find practical and pragmatic outcomes.

How does it work?

  • We will work with you to map out the disciplinary process
  • Help you to understand the legalities and potential pitfalls within the process
  • Act as a sounding board and discuss possible outcomes and their implications
  • Provide advice and support in conducting and managing a disciplinary investigation
  • Support and manage disciplinary hearings and provide documentation
  • Provide note taking resources for investigations / hearings
  • Provide full template library with documentation to support every stage of a disciplinary process.

Frequently asked questions

ACAS provide a great overview of how a business should conduct a disciplinary process. We take these guidelines and use our knowledge and experience to translate them into a workable process that you can use within your business.

A disciplinary process is a more formal method of meeting with your employee. It requires inviting the employee to a formal meeting, giving them reasonable notice to attend and the right to be accompanied. Call us to discuss what your specific situation and we can advise on appropriate next steps.


Yes, you need to formally invite employees if you are undertaking a disciplinary process. We have a library of letters available and we can tailor them to match your situation or business. 

It is recommended that notes are taken at the meeting, to act as a reminder of what was discussed and agreed and they should be as detailed as possible. We are happy to provide experienced note takers who are trained in keeping detailed confidential notes during disciplinary meetings.  

This is dependent on the nature of the allegation, its severity and the evidence found. Your dedicated HR consultant will work with you to discuss all outcome and their implications, flagging risks and benefits of each outcome.

We can support any size of organisation and give you options in who can hear your appeal. Our HR Consultants can act as a neutral third party and will hear any disciplinary, grievance or appeal.

We would be happy to discuss your situation and provide guidance on appropriate next steps.