Assured HR has developed a team of experts who have experience working with NHS and Social Care providers. We have supported GP practices, Opticians and Care Homes with bespoke packages to manage their HR and Governance function.

The challenges for organisations in Health and Social care are unique and our dedicated team of advisors are familiar with the NHS processes and understand these nuances.

The NHS Lingo:

The NHS jargon can be confusing to get to grips with for those without experience of working in the sector. Whether it is understanding what CCGs are, or organisations such as the CQC, NHSE/I/D/X or PCNs, ICS’ or AFC. Our HR and Governance experts have all worked in the NHS and will be able to debunk the jargon and provide effective HR solutions for your provider.

CQC regulation:

We take a pro-active approach to ensuring your organisation has all the adequate policies and processes in place in line with the CQC framework.

Our team of experts can support your organisation with CQC inspections. We conduct an audit to identify your strengths and weakness, will provide an action plan with suggested remedies and can conduct mock assessments prior to your CQC inspection.

Compliance with regulations

All Assured HR advisors are trained to understand how healthcare is commissioned in the NHS and how the local health economy works. It is important HR advisors are familiar with the NHS contract and the 7 pillars of clinical governance. Our expert advisors will ensure your organisation is compliant with the latest polices and can provide training to ensure your team are confident in managing your employees.

Recruitment of staff

The NHS is the pride of the nation and is the 5th largest employer in the world. Our experienced team are familiar in recruiting staff for clinical roles, management roles and senior leadership team members. We provide end to end recruitment services and are familiar with NHS jobs, Bank and Agency providers.

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70% of social care staff work in the private or voluntary sector
Care is provided by 35,000 different employers
Most establishments employ less than 10 people
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1.5 million people currently work in adult social care – projected to rise to 2.5m by 2020
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83% of the social care workforce is female